About Us

“There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of man which cannot be satisfied by any created thing, only by God, made known through Jesus Christ"    ~Pascal~    

There are many churches in our area and we believe people are called by God to discover, grow and serve him in distinct ways. We encourage all to be faithful to their congregations and serve them to reform and revitalize a dying world. Each faithful church will have something that is unique to them while working to be faithful in all the things God called us to. At Safe Harbor, we are particularly concerned with faithfulness to our historic confession while promoting an intimacy and unity among the members and visitors. Safe Harbor is not just a name for us but a core belief. We will not measure success by budgets, numbers or events (though we have all three). We measure success by the importance we place on the individual seeking God. We live in a time that Scholars like to call Post-Modern. All this means is that everything is mistrusted. This mistrust ranges from history to even the language we use. This leaves people feeling there is nothing they can count on, nothing they can truly trust.  Often, to fill the gap, people have moved from one empty promise to another. When they find us, our desire, is they feel they found a home, a place safe from the chaos of world. Christ died and was resurrected to make us free from sin, healed from the past and hopeful about eternity and this is his free-gift. You have taken the time to read this, would you consider taking some time and visiting.

William Broderick has a Doctor of Ministry and Master of Divinity from Knox Theological Seminary. He also earned the Master of Philosophy from Holy Apostles College and Seminary.